Sunday, November 21, 2010

Back with some SPARK...

            It is 1:28 AM that I am writing this all. I am back after a long time. And this time I will try to be regular.  For past few days I was thinking of writing something but nothing serious was coming from my heart. And today when I am having third consecutive day off, I got ample time to ponder over the things going around me.
            It had been a long time that I really wanted to do something of my interest. Rather I should say that I had lost interest in everything. It had been a long time that I really enjoyed doing something. There was a lot of shallowness in my life. I was just passing my days. Every morning I wake up with nothing in my mind. There was nothing I wanted to do on that particular day. Days were just passing. I tried to find the answer to this problem a lot of time but may be not that eagerly, so I didn’t get the answer from anywhere. But one thing I always knew was that the person who knows the answer is ME.
            In these two days something strange happened to me. As usual I was just killing the time on a social networking site. I was just visiting profiles of the people those added in my friend list .And somehow I reached the photo album of a friend. There I found some serious and splendid work of photography. I don’t know why but these pictures said something to me. They reached my heart. I just wished that why I was not the man behind these photographs. Someone said from deep inside “Why YOU are not that Photographer”. And that’s when I found something going for.
            I always had an interest in photography. I always wanted to take some great pictures. But i didn’t want it that passionately. There were many other things that had a higher priority than this interest. But in the timeline everything just got faded. And now when I found nothing around me, there was a reason to worry. And when I saw those pictures, I saw a path that could lead me to what I wanted to be. So I spent some time with myself, asked myself some questions and it just started working. I found that there are many things that I always wanted to do but they were yet undone.
           I think now I have got some spark in my life. I have started dreaming. I now have a lot of things that are in my wish list. I hope my wish list gets bigger and bigger. And I wish to conquer everything that’s in this wish list.
          There’s a lot more I have to write. But I think it’s enough for now. Surely gonna pen everything soon.

Willing to add some more spark to my life.....

1 comment:

  1. it seems like this article is written by a person who once thought of killing himself, bored of his life. But now he has understood what this life is all about and he started doing what he loves.
    Feelings of pessimism changing to sheer optimism.
